Photobook Award to the Professional Photographer

WINNER 21/22: Xavi Bou

The editorial design of the book was made by the second year students of Advertising Graphics from the year 21-22, tutored by the teacher of the Art School of Olot Pere Álvaro. The edition is sponsored by Noel Alimentària, the Diputació de Girona, and the Ajuntament d'Olot.

Xavi Bou, a photographer specializing in nature photos, especially birds, explained that Ornitographies is a project he has been working on for years. These are images created from the tracks of birds in the sky. To achieve images that stand out for their spectacularity, he had to create his own procedure based on the 19th century chronophotography technique. It is, as he detailed himself, capturing many images per second, which he achieved by filming and synthesizing the movements of the birds into images. "I didn't want to show the morphology of the birds, typical of chronographs, but a movement, the choreographies that take place in the sky and make them visible", he concluded.